Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Living a little bit longer? Sounds perfect.

So I haven't updated this in a while.. and since school's over for now, I figured it'd be nice if I start using this blog again. :) Maybe one day it'll become important... (or not.)

Here's how it will go:
Mondays or Tuesdays I will post news and information and stuff like that.
Wednesdays or Thursdays I will post recipes.
And Fridays or Saturdays I'll post fun or random stuff. (facts, art, crazy news, whatever.)

Ok, now, some news I read recently.

Headline reads:

"Two cups of coffee a day cuts overall risk of dying by 10 percent, research shows." 

Even though there is a certain controversy due to the results of different studies that say coffee might be good or bad for some specific diseases or body functions, there is a new discovery. A study started in 1995 with leader researcher Neal Freedman of the National Cancer Institute, shows that people who drink coffee might actually live longer than those who don't.

"Compared to those who drank no coffee, men who had two or three cups a day were 10 percent less likely to die at any age. For women, it was 13 percent. Even a single cup a day seemed to lower risk by 6 percent in men and 5 percent in women. " (cbsnews.com)

However, even though for coffee drinkers there was less risk of having heart or respiratory diseases, diabetes, strokes, etc., there was no visible effect on cancer death risk.

Click here for the whole article. I strongly recommend you to fully read it. :)

As always, it's up to you to decide whether you consider coffee as part of your diet or not. I know I will. <3

Stay tuned for Wednesday's Receipe :D I'm sure you'll love it.

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