Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bad things about coffee ¬¬

     This topic wasn’t on my list, but my friends here are telling me to stop talking about the good aspects of coffee and for once write about the negative things. Honestly, I think these will be the hardest entry to write. 250 words of things I rather ignore… but I've got an idea, let’s make this as fun as possible.

     3 negative aspects about coffee:

1. CAUTION: HOT CONTENT. Whenever you read this, or whenever you know it’s true, BE CAREFUL. Believe me, you don’t want to burn yourself with it and spend the rest of the day with a scalded tongue or a burned hand.

2. Watch out were you place it. If you’re not careful enough (and considering how sleepy you usually are in the mornings or late at night) you may spill it over your work or laptop. And that’s the last thing we would want to happen.

3. Avoid excess. Coffee might sometimes be useful, but too much coffee can cause you problems: for example, not being able to sleep at night (insomnia) or being hyperactive (jumping and fooling around, doing or saying things you might later regret).

     And those are some of the things I could come up with. I hope you are satisfied with the results of forcing me to write about the negative aspects of coffee. Maybe someday I’ll retake this topic and write what the recent studies and investigations done show about coffee and its effects. I’m so sorry if you were expecting something else, I know I promised I would try to be objective in this blog, but coffee saved me today so I’m not saying anything really bad about it for now. :)


P.S. Make sure your head doesn't get stuck in your cup of coffee. That's also an undesirable situation. :)


  1. Hahahahahahaha!!!! I liked it!!! And yeah Angie there is no objectiveness but, who cares? With this you are proving your life-time devotion to coffee :) And I can see you are really loyal to coffee.

    And yeah this stuff is quite true for coffee. It is the worst thing ever if you get burned with it because God, it really hurts for the rest of the day. And also, not only coffee makes you have problems if you drink it too much, I mean, many things can damage our body if we use them or eat them constantly so that is not such a problem... or maybe it is a problem of almost anything in this world. But well, I am glad that your BFF saved you today, and hope it continues to do so for a long time :)

    Keep up the good work ;) See you later!

  2. Hello there, Angela! I laughed a lot with your new post, and I mean it! Most of your audience knows about your unconditional love to coffee and that is what makes it even funnier :P Now, about the negative aspects that you had already exposed, I was only identified with the first one. I hate when that happens ): My poor tongue suffers for a while and it hurts terribly. Another thing that happens very often to me is that, when I drink coffee, my stomach starts to hurt so much because I have gastritis, that’s why I can’t drink coffee because then my stomach suffers and hurts like hell x.x
    Maybe you should try to talk about alternative methods that can help people to keep awaken without the need of coffee or, in other words, a post about products that cause the same effect that coffee produces. That would be very helpful because, in that way, your readers and even me are going to be able to know if I can use another products that can help me to maintain awake when I need to finish a project or in order to finish studying Business :P I don’t know if you like it but this is only my opinion (: feel free to accept the idea or reject it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like it x)
    Well, I think that this is everything that I need to say… hummm… ohh! By the way, thank you for watching my blog ^^ See you next week (:
